Hayden Strong #haydenstrong

Hayden is a 11u Force player that was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was located at the stem of his brain on January 4, 2019. After a year of battling weight loss and getting sick three times a day, On January 5, 2019 Hayden underwent an 8-hour surgery where they were able to remove most of the tumor. Unfortunately, due to the location, it was too much of a risk to remove all of the tumor. As part of Hayden’s recovery from surgery, Hayden had to learn how to walk, eat, and speak again.

About 5 months after surgery, it was determined through scans that the area of the original tumor was starting to grow and that Hayden would have to start chemotherapy. Hayden has completed 5 treatments of chemotherapy. A recent scan has shown that the tumor is not responding to the chemotherapy and has grown larger.  Hayden is a super strong and brave kid who very seldom gets down about all that is going on and never blinks an eye when he has to have anything done. He has been through multiple procedures, blood work and is constantly in and out of the doctor’s office and hospitals. Hayden’s family is so grateful for everything that everyone has done and continues to do to help them.

It really helps with doctors’ bills that continue to pile up and the frequent trips to Johns Hopkins and AI Dupont Hospitals. Sincerely thank you from the Family and Parents of Hayden.